Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Forbes India : Person Of The Year

Forbes India : Person Of The Year
Who is your Person of the Year ?

This is our long-list for our Forbes India Person of the Year issue. Who is your favourite?
The person who gets the most votes will be the Forbes India Readers' Choice winner.
Vote here, and you could win prizes.
If your choice agrees with ours (wait for our issue that hits the stands on the 18th December to see who it is) you could win :
  • A Forbes India Tie & Cuff Links set
  • A Reebok Duffle Bag
  • A Forbes India Coffee Mug
  • A Forbes India Umbrella
If there are more than one correct entries, the winners will be decided by a draw of lots. There will be up to 25 prizes.
And everyone who voted for the Readers' Choice winner could win prizes too.
Once more, winners will be selected by a draw of lots from the winning entries. There will be up to 25 prizes.
You can vote for only one person.

તું અહીંયા રમવા આવ – ત્રિભુવન વ્યાસ

તું અહીંયા રમવા આવ – ત્રિભુવન વ્યાસ
તું અહીંયા રમવા આવ મજાની ખિસકોલી,
તું દોડ તને દઉં દાવ મજાની ખિસકોલી.
તું કેવી હ્સે ને રમે મજાની ખિસકોલી,
તારા કૂદકા તો બહુ ગમે મજાની ખિસકોલી.
તું જ્યારે ખીલખીલ ગાય મજાની ખિસકોલી,
તારી પૂંછડી ઉંચી થાય મજાની ખિસકોલી.
તું ઝાડે ઝાડે ચડે મજાની ખિસકોલી,
કહે કેવી મજા ત્યાં પડે મજાની ખિસકોલી.
બહુ ચંચળ તારી જાત મજાની ખિસકોલી,
તું ઉંદરભાઈની નાત મજાની ખિસકોલી.
- ત્રિભુવન વ્યાસ

Pranav Mistry: Magical Man behind the ‘SixthSense’ technology

Pranav Mistry: Magical Man behind the ‘SixthSense’ technology
At TEDIndia, Pranav Mistry demos several tools that help the physical world interact with the world of data — including a deep look at his SixthSense device and a new, paradigm-shifting paper "laptop".
In an onstage Q&A, Mistry says he’ll open-source the software behind SixthSense, to open its possibilities to all.

Watch the video – click here

About the Genius
Pranav Mistry is a PhD student in the Fluid Interfaces Group at MIT’s Media Lab. Before his studies at MIT, he worked with Microsoft as a UX researcher; he’s a graduate of IIT. Mistry is passionate about integrating the digital informational experience with our real-world interactions.
Some previous projects from Mistry’s work at MIT includes intelligent sticky notes, Quickies, that can be searched and can send reminders; a pen that draws in 3D; and TaPuMa, a tangible public map that can act as Google of physical world. His research interests also include Gestural and Tangible Interaction, Ubiquitous Computing, AI, Machine Vision, Collective Intelligence and Robotics.

to know more about him : click here

Sql Server 2008 Feature – Part1

Sql Server 2008 Feature – Part1
Sql Server 2008 Key Features:
1) Initializing variable when you declare
declare @val as int =0
declare @currentdate as datetime = getdate
print @val
print @currentdate

2) Compound assignment operators
–operator like +=,-=,/=,*/,%=
declare @val as int = 0
set @val += 10
print @val

3) Add multiple row in single Insert Statement

EmpId int
EmpCode varchar(50
EmpName varchar(50

INSERT INTO Employee(EmpId, EmpCode,EmpName
(1, 'emp1','emp1'
2, 'emp1','emp1'
3, 'emp1','emp1'

select * from Employee
4) New Data Types

Data Type
Data Type Use
The Date property returns a Date data type.
Returns values for any valid time of day between 00:00:00 and 23:59:59:9999999. It has a length of at least 8 positions and contains the time in hours,minutes, seconds and fractional seconds.
DateTime2 is an extension of the existing DATETIME type. It has a large date range and large default fractional precision. It has a length of at least 19 positions.
Returns values for year, month, day, valid time of day between 00:00:00 and 23:59:59:9999999 and offset, in hours, from UTC. It has a length of at least 25 positions.
The HierarchyId property is used to identify a position in a hierarchy.
The SQL Server geography data type stores ellipsoidal (round-earth) data, such as GPS latitude and longitude coordinates
The Geometry property contains spatial data that represents information about the physical location and shape of geometric objects.
HierarchyId Data Type
   1: --Create Table Employee

   2: CREATE TABLE Employee

   3: (

   4: EmpId int,

   5: EmpBossId HIERARCHYID,

   6: --GetLevel --> returns the level of the current node in the hierarchy

   7: EmpLevel as EmpBossId.GetLevel() PERSISTED,

   8: EmpCode varchar(50),

   9: EmpName varchar(50)

  10: );

  11: Go

  12: -- Create Insert Store Procedure

  13: Alter PROCEDURE Employee_isp

  14:     @empid int,

  15:     @empbossid int,

  16:     @empcode varchar(50),

  17:     @empname varchar(50)

  18: AS

  19: BEGIN

  20: declare @hid HIERARCHYID,@empboss_hid HIERARCHYID,@last_hid HIERARCHYID


  22: if @empbossid = 0 

  23: begin

  24:     set @hid = HIERARCHYID::GetRoot();

  25: end 

  26: else 

  27: begin


  29:   SET @empboss_hid = (SELECT EmpBossId FROM Employee  WHERE empid = @empbossid);

  30:   SET @last_hid = (SELECT MAX(EmpBossId) FROM Employee WHERE EmpBossId.GetAncestor(1)= @empboss_hid);

  31:   SET @hid = @empboss_hid.GetDescendant(@last_hid, NULL);

  32: end

  33: INSERT INTO Employee(empid, EmpBossId, EmpCode, EmpName)

  34:             VALUES(@empid, @hid, @empcode, @empname);

  35: END

  36: GO

  37: --insert data

  38: --                     A1

  39: --                AL1           AR1

  40: --           AL1L     AL1R  AR1L   AR1R  

  41: --

  42: --

  43: EXEC Employee_isp @empid =  1, @empbossid = 0, @empcode = 'A1' ,@empname = 'A1';

  44: EXEC Employee_isp @empid =  2, @empbossid = 1, @empcode = 'AL1' ,@empname = 'AL1';

  45: EXEC Employee_isp @empid =  3, @empbossid = 1, @empcode = 'AR1' ,@empname = 'AR1';

  46: EXEC Employee_isp @empid =  4, @empbossid = 2, @empcode = 'AL1L' ,@empname = 'AL1L';

  47: EXEC Employee_isp @empid =  5, @empbossid = 2, @empcode = 'AL1R' ,@empname = 'AL1R';

  48: EXEC Employee_isp @empid =  6, @empbossid = 3, @empcode = 'AR1L' ,@empname = 'AR1L';

  49: EXEC Employee_isp @empid =  7, @empbossid = 3, @empcode = 'AR1R' ,@empname = 'AR1R';

Inserted Data Into Table 
Different Selection Criteria :
1) Find Employee As Per their Level means Grade 
   select * from Employee where Emplevel = 2
2) Get Child Node 
   SELECT Child.empid, Child.empname FROM Employee AS Parent JOIN Employee AS Child
ON Parent.empid = 2 AND child.empbossid.IsDescendantOf(Parent.empbossid) = 1;
3) Get Parent Node
SELECT parent.empid, parent.empname
FROM Employee AS Parent JOIN Employee AS Child
ON child.empid = 4 AND child.empbossid.IsDescendantOf(Parent.empbossid) = 1;
more on HierarchyId Data Types refer:
5) Introduced New Functions
Function Name
Function Use
Returns current date and time as DateTime2 value.
Returns current date and time in UTC as DateTime2 value
Returns current date and time along with the system time zone as a DATETIMEOFFSET value
Adjusts an input DATETIMEOFFSET value to a specified time zone, while preserving the UTC value. For example, the following code adjusts the current system datetimeoffset value to time zone GMT +05:00:
sets the time zone offset of an input date and time value
6) Support Large User Define Types [UDT]
Sql Server 2008 supports large UDT,large UDTs can now reach up to 2 GB in size.
Reference Sites: